Friday, March 25, 2016

Red Light Camera Reform

I oppose Red Light Cameras. They will be up for renewal in the next mayoral term and if I am Mayor I will make the case that it's a bad deal for our city, time to NOT renew the contract and close down the red light camera program in Hurst.

Besides making ordinary citizens see red because nearly all of it is an unyielding and arbitrary enforcement of the Right-Turn-on-Red traffic rule (Front wheels have to completely stop rolling - car bumper cannot be over the white line - etc.), there is no way to enforce collection of fines in Tarrant County because the county tax collector will not cooperate, this knowledge is slowly percolating through the population and more people are not paying. There have even been years in which we have paid out more to the red light vendor than our income from fines. Ron Wright and the County Commissioners are firmly against red light cameras so this will not be changing.

If Red Light Cameras were used to catch and punish the people who blow right through red light intersections endangering other drivers as well as themselves I wouldn't oppose it so much, but that wouldn't be practical because so few people actually commit that crime and enforcing it with that technology would be too expensive. As it stands now it's just a way to enrich the Red Light Vendor industry with money from innocent people.

Red light cameras are simply an unjust, immoral, impractical, unwanted, embarrassing and financially deficient scam for our city to be involved in. It's time for them to go!

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