Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Business Innovation

The city of Hurst has, over the years, created a maze of rules, regulations, and zoning requirements that stifle business innovation and add untold amounts of red tape to the cost of doing business. Entire categories of businesses have simply been zoned out of existence but procedures still exist in the code for these nonexistent business models. Large corporations, like the ones at Northeast Mall, and the big box stores like Walmart, Target, etc. have the resources and employees to deal with these requirements, but small entrepreneurs just do not. In other words, Mom and Pop have mostly been squeezed out. And that's a shame, because it's the small businesses, the ones more likely to be owned and operated by actual residents of a city that give a town its flavor and distinction. As Mayor, I will work for changes that will make it easier for business, in particular small businesses, to survive and thrive in Hurst.

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