2nd Amendment, Gun Rights
If I become mayor I will NOT make common purpose with gun grabber organizations. I believe in the 2nd Amendment. I think it is one of the reasons America has never been successfully invaded by a foreign power. An armed populace is a hedge against invasion, tyranny, crazies, or nowadays terrorism. I think that everyone should carry a gun, know how to use it, and be willing to use it should the need arise. I think it is impossible to predict a person's mental state and that it would be a logistically unworkable violation of constitutional rights to lock someone up just because they might obtain a gun and shoot somebody. But I know for sure if most people carried a gun and were willing to use it, the damage done by armed crazies, religious or otherwise, would be more limited. First because I believe most crazies retain a sense of self preservation, so some of them would not start something that would result in their own sure demise, especially if they knew they would not be allowed to do much damage. Second because someone who began shooting people would be more quickly dealt with if their intended victims, preferably all, were armed. Mayor Ward became a member of the inaccurately named Mayors Against Illegal Guns soon after he was elected Mayor of Hurst. MAIG is the brainchild of New York Mayor Micheal Bloomberg. It is an anti-gun, anti 2nd Amendment organization dedicated to dis-arming the American citizen. Its latest incarnation is Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. If this outfit had its way we would all be disarmed and be at the mercy of criminals, tyrants, and crazies.
Joel, I agree with you, you have my wife's vote and mine and I plan on telling my neighbors and friends your position,